Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bare My Fat? Can't I Just Bare My Soul?

It'll hurt less. Trust me.

I'd really rather dance a tarantella on the lawn of the White House...wearing a Flamenco costume...or a flamingo costume...than show a picture of myself where the world can actually see it. I'm one of those people who has never liked having my picture taken. I don't photograph well at any size (I'm MUCH cuter in person), but as I've gotten bigger I've shied farther and farther away from the camera lens. But in the interest of full disclosure, motivation for change, and having something to hopefully compare to a newly svelte figure in the future, here is Exhibit #1. This is me, 5 weeks out of surgery, 17 lbs down from my high pre-surgery weight. I can't look, but if you must, you may.

Notice how I'm not smiling at my own lumpiness.

Seriously, though, looking at this picture, let alone posting it, gives me hives. I hate looking like this, but I also hate feeling like this, which was the reason I got banded. This was a discouraging week, but I know I can make this work. I know I can. It won't be easy, or maybe even pleasant, but I can do it, and do it I will.

Maybe after I've lost some real weight, I'll be able to look back on this is feel pride at how far I've come. Right now, I'm a little overwhelmed at how far I have to go. *sigh*

You're all invited to my pity party. No refreshments will be served. :-P

1 comment:

  1. I have some pre-op pictures that I have a very hard time looking at. It doesn't look like me. I don't know the person in that skin, and yet I spent the majority of my 20's there.

    You will have discouraging weeks, especially in the early days. But they will get better. 17 lbs is probably a high average for where you are currently, don't forget that! You're doing great! Just remember, slow and steady. Not only will it keep you calm, your skin will bounce back better as well.
