1. If you believe in a God - who or what form does it take? Person or thing? He or she? None of the above?
Wow, let's jump right into the deep end, huh? Okay, basically, I believe that there is something out there beyond the human experience, but I believe that whatever the real "truth" is, our puny human minds are incapable of grasping it. Ever. So, I have no trouble with whatever method of trying to deal with it that a person chooses. Me, I think it's multifaceted, so I like to think of a multitude of approaches.
2. If it were considered socially acceptable - would you stop shaving or waxing?
Totally. Everything but my armpits. It just feels unsanitary to leave those furry. But let's face it, scraping, ripping, or melting it off all the other spots is just a total PITA. Of course, I'd rather someone develop a method of taking it all off everywhere that was painless and didn't result in itchy, painful stubble afterward.
3. How often do you weigh yourself? Why?
Most of the time I weigh myself twice a day, once in the morning when I first get up (after visiting the porcelain) and immediately before I crawl into bed. I do it because I'm obsessed with losing this weight, of course, but also because I'm trying to build up the faith that not only can I lose weight, but that I can CONTROL my weight and lose what I might gain and keep off what I lose. This is a huge change in mindset for me, so I need a lot of practice. Of course, if I know for a fact that I ate like a rhinoceros one day, I'll generally give myself the next day off the blunt the impact of a gain. Gains can still send me into a depression spiral, so I have to be careful.
4. When was the last time you admitted you were wrong? (Thank you to Joey for this question)
Oh, dear lord. To myself, or to someone else? I think I block those memories out. It's much easier to remember the last time I got to gloat about being right.
5. Repeat question. How was your week?
Not bad. I think I learned something this week, and that's usually the signal of a good week. I learned that I still need to get rid of my diet mentality, the kind where I binge the day after a weigh in because I'll have the whole week to work it off. I need to remember that even with the band, I don't need to deprive myself of foods I enjoy. I can enjoy them, as long as I remember to consider my portion size and listen to my band telling me when I'm full. A better week will be when I remember this BEFORE the binge as opposed to after. (And when I say binge, it's nothing compared to before banding, just compared to how I usually eat.)
Wow, BYOC is fun! I missed it last week and seeing it today made this into a good week after all. :)
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